Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Things I Would rather Do Than Wear Crocs

1. Wear human uterus's as shoes
2. Wear bare feet
3. Wear the ACTUAL feet of bears as shoes
4. Eat Balut

5. Hand deliver a breech birth foal
6. Sit next to a Kennedy in a moving vehicle
7. Catch up over a few drinks with Tony Abbot
8.Write a 3000 word essay on the merits of Scientology
9.Go cave diving
10.Sit next to Kim Kartrashian at a National Geographic function
11.Set a world record for wearing bees
12.Feature in an Adam Sandler movie
13.Be read Shakespeare by Julia Gillard
14.Examine my own waste for worms

So that's a NO on the Crocs then.

1 comment:

  1. Now that does surprise me - I always had you for a bare foot sort of hippy!
