Today I learned that the Marianas Trench is swallowing the Earth.
That should keep the Doomsdayers busy for a while.
That, and the Icebergs floating along the edges of Terra Australis- very south......very, very south.
Look it up. It was in the paper.
So I wonder, given how precariously we cling to this big wet rock anyway, is it worth getting all het up about the small stuff?
We know we are hurtling towards the sun.
We WILL impact.......in 5 Billion years.....and that's a finite amount of time.
It's a countable noun.
That is if we don't crispy fry before hand due to a lack of Ozone, or be ground into dust by the movement of the tectonic plates.
And if Hollywood's latest blockbuster is anything to go by, we may have less that 3 years to put our affairs in order before it all turns to poop anyway.
Sure, Mayans were so great at predicting the future they all died out. But they carved our fate into rock first. So they MUST be right.
But back to my point.
The small stuff.
Like starting that diet.
Or replying to that email.
Or going on a blind date.
"AHA"....I hear you say ( because in my head you give a damn)....."NOW I know what she is going on about !!!"
"Now her thought process is exposed" you say" Now we know why she is rambling"
Yes, it's true. This week, I am going on a blind date.
Not the type where one of us is actually visually impaired- although that could be an advantage- but the kind where you wear a red carnation, and check your lipstick in the mirror every 2 minutes.
Confession time, this is not my first one.
It's my second.
And the first one was good enough to brave me trying it again.
The thing about dating as a previously married 40 year old is that it is an unnerving combination of the familiar, and unfamiliar.
Truthfully, I am not a New Kid On The Block....being able to achieve erection, buy me dinner, and pronounce wine names does not impress me.However, the same jaundiced eyes I bring are also going to be set into the face of the chap sitting across from me.
My cleavage, girlish giggle, and coquettish responses will not do.
Time to bring out the big guns.
Damn....where did I put those big guns?
And can I remember how to use them ?
And are they looking a little out of date ?
And will he notice the dust and cobwebs?
There is nothing for it.
I shall either have to suck it up and buy that carnation, or stay at home and pray for the destruction of the Earth before Friday.
Probably the former.
It appear the Marianas Trench is swallowing the Earth at the breathtaking speed of approximately 3 inches a year.
3 Inches !?!?!
I wouldn't leave my house for 3 inches.
I'll let you know how it goes.........
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