There are some things that are better left unsaid.
This applies very much to the loaded question.
It's called 'loaded' not because a nose full of fairy dust, or a belly full of beer, but because it has the potential to explode like a mortar and shatter your heart.
Remember when you were 7 ?
"Wanna be my best friend?"
Or 13 ?
" Wanna go together?"
Sure, you said yes. Who doesn't want a best friend or someone to 'go' with ?
But did they explain the fine print to you?
Did they mention that you would be tied into that friend for ages to the exclusion of others?
"You don't even know Wendy, she is MY best friend, she belongs to ME, and she will only talk to ME"
Did they tell you it would kill off any chance of a normal relationship you may have had with the first person you ever had a crush on ?
" Why don't we talk anymore ? All we do is pash, and then you ignore me when you are with your friends"
It's about thinking, and being honest, and being brave.
"Does my bum look big in this?"
"Yes, yes it does- it makes your arse look huge, actually, it even makes your shoulders look big, weird, you look terrible."
"Would you mind if I leave some of my stuff with you?"
"Yes, yes I would. Your shit is not welcome in my home, I need extra clutter like a hole in the head. Most of your stuff is shitty anyway, why not just ditch it and get better stuff?"
" I am using a new cream, can you tell?"
"No, no I can't, you still look like a Shar Pei.Lets face it, nothing but a super size bull clip is going to take the old out of your ugly"
You get the picture.
It stings. It does. But in the end you will be thankful that you took the time to read the fine print tacked onto the loaded question......having to compliment your friends butt, putting up with someone else's crap, lying about someones crows feet when all you really care about are your own.
Honesty is THE BEST policy. That's what they say. Not honesty is QUITE A HIGHLY RECOMMENDED policy.
So take the time to say what you mean, and mean what you say. No explanations required, only the truth. It hurts, but it will set you free.
Don't you agree?
You agree with me right?
Say you do.
Say it..........
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