Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Here Is a Dollar, You Know What To Do With It.

It's been a funny few weeks.
Not 'funny ha ha', sadly.
A couple of months ago I signed up for a project that sounded from the outside to be a solid and familiar pattern of work.
Within days of coming on board red flags started appearing.
However I am an optimist.
And stubborn.
I stuck with it and am now the proud owner of the most red flags in the Northern Hemisphere.
Next month I shall start selling them on eBay.
The good news is that my stubborn refusal to give up means that there is, in fact, something to show for the pain.
The bad news is that part of what I have to show for it, are some fairly thick and shiny scars.
I am old enough, and experienced enough, to know that these will fade.
The thing that keeps playing in my mind is the idea that in the eyes of the Universe I must need to be taught a lesson of some kind.
And I am good with that.
I am just trying to discover what that lesson is.
Seems unlikely, I am a loud self promoter but not overtly egotistical.
Normally I would say yes, but I challenge anyone to sit beside me for a day and declare I need more of that.
Fortitude? Tolerance? Level headedness?
See above.
The ability to smile benignly in spite of mounting incredulousness when faced with blatant stupidity or outright deception and whilst mentally picturing certain people drowning in a sea of their own blood ?
That could be it right there.
I suspect what is being tested here is my poker face.
These days I prefer to generate my creativity from behind the pen, less actual human interaction required, but of course I do interact with people every day.
Not all of them sane.
So maybe the Universe is telling me to stop being such a lazy pussy and to employ my  ‘ ability to look like I give a fuck even when actually I don’t’  more often.
It’s rather tiring.
Luckily I also have enough red flags left over from the beginning of this project to make a nice bed and lay down in it.
Until then, I shall be stuck with the voices in my head (the creative team from Team America) shouting at me to use my acting skills.
And the knowledge that all things – good or bad-  must come to an end.

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