I have been having it since February.
Some who claim my acquaintance would suggest that I have been having a moment much longer than that.
To them I say, "Bite me. If you are not part of the solution, clearly, you are part of the problem".
It's nothing major, this piccola crisi (God Damn and hooray :) I have always wanted to use the word piccola in print in place of small... take THAT bucket list....), and it has taken the form of neither self abuse nor black dog.
Merely inertia.
Not in every area, and not even consistently enough so that you would notice.
But I know it.
There have been more than a few times so far this year when my preferred course of action to any issue deemed 'too hard' has been to 'do nothing' and see how that pans out.
The problem is, sometimes it works.
Inbox full of questions that seem stupid and irrelevant?
Do nothing. Half the problems will solve themselves, and for the others, if it's that vital, they will contact you again and you can deal with it later.
Irritating tick you were once involved with jumping up and down about some hideous article of clothing he thinks he left under the bed?
Do nothing. He has already told anyone who will listen you are a psychotic bitch anyway, let your continued kidnapping of his favourite rugby shorts stand as proof of your unreasonable behaviour.
What have you got to lose?
Also, the material they use in those shorts is fantastic at mopping up cat vomit. Seriously, that is some super heavy duty cotton.
Writing deadline approaching?
Do nothing. Nothing will appear, but then you can always claim 'the need for creative retreat' and appear even MORE enigmatic when you emerge.
You see, this inertia business is the business, as they say.
It does fall down somewhat on the domestic front.
Not buying toilet paper because you are having a crisis day/week is all well and good for a while, but it runs a little empty on about day 3.
Thank God I have the habit of stealing tissues from coffee shops and hiding them crumpled up in my handbags.
And thank God I have several handbags.
There are times when I am being inert that it feels like I am lost in a sea of words. Words make the waves, and they pound me and rise up around me, drowning me as wave after wave crashes inside my brain, echoing and reverberating in the caves of my mind.
They are mostly quite intrusive words, self doubting and ponderous. They tend to be heavy in weight, and they slosh about like a thick, dark soup.
I know that the inner workings of my mind sounds ghastly, and it can be a scary place, but what surprises me about all this is that, rather respond with fear or courage -good old fight or flight-, I do nothing.
I stop.
Dead in the water, as it were.
Other things get done, mine is an active, fruitful and happy life, but some things simply do not, and these in actions remain suspended by the words that surround them in a kind of high wire word act attached to a large transparent jelly like Zorb Globe made of words.
Or at least, that's how I see them inside my head.
I wish I could draw, then I could show you, but I hope you can see what I mean.
Today, whilst on a bus, I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt that said " Be happy, it's one way of being" and I thought OH MY GOD !!!! it's a sign, because words can do that for me and I was having a moment, and I wrote it down in my notebook. Then as the bus pulled away, she unfolded her arms to reveal a final word...."wise"...and I thought, bollocks.
You know, I HATE,I simply HATE the concept that happiness and wisdom, or ignorance and bliss, or awareness and self satisfaction are in anyway connected.
Ignorance is not bliss, it is ignorance. Being happy is - like your orgasm- your OWN responsibility, and NOTHING EXTERNAL can make you happy if you do not BE happy. Being happy does not make you wise.
Spongebob Squarepants is happy, and he's a moron.
Why, oh why, oh why does everyone get the same right to breed?
I don't actually blame that woman.
T-shirts in HK say all sorts of things that make no sense.
I once saw a man wearing a t-shirt that loudly proclaimed that he was going to ' rock out with his cock out' and he was about a hundred.
Whilst I admire his intent, I somewhat question the reality of his situation.
And I say that with genuine respect, 'cause I know old people have needs too.
Like my need to achieve something more this year than mark another birthday.
Yes, yes yes, those of you who know me think I do lots of stuff, but there is more.
I need to write a book, several actually, that have been suspended in jellied word bubbles in my head for so long that the coating is becoming opaque.
I need to pick up my mentally inert self and throw myself into the fear abyss and smash those bubbles into cliffs so that the words spill out and fall onto the page.
I need to not wait and see how this one pans out.
Who knows what will happen?
Perchance not much, but at least there will be space made inside my head for more productive inertia.
You know that face recognition thing on facebook?
The one that tags your photo's?
I was deep in thought last week, studying the folds of my own navel whilst juggling 900 balls in the air as per usual.
I was uploading pictures, and in a candid shot and caught off guard, my face reflected everyone of my 41 years.
"Who is this?" it asked.
"Fucked if I know," I answered, and then retreated to my mind cave for half a day to see if the words held any answers.
Mind you, I may have over reacted.
Sometimes, there simply are no answers, and the reason doing nothing works, is because nothing is all there is to be done.
Inside my head, and even outside my head.
Once cyberspace tried to tag the face of the Mona Lisa that was in a poster behind me.
"Who is this?" it asked.
Dude, you are facebook. If you don't know, how the hell would I?
I have a photo of my friend's pet pig Sally. Sorting through them, i-photo placed a square around Sally's bum and asked "Is this Keith?"
ReplyDeleteYes, he will never live it down!
Lol, that is too genuinely funny Denise....sorry Keith.
ReplyDeleteWhoops, am logged in as Paris...this is Wendy....see how much easier our lives have become with technology.....