It must.
After all, Darwin's theory would indicate that if something is too stupid to live, nature will take care of it.
But no.
Survive they do.
I am, and I know you are, surrounded by people who defy the very laws of evolution and manage to do it with a smile.
I have taken pot shots at stupid people before.
And to some, given that laughing at stupid people is akin to yelling at a new born to do something other than just lay there and grow, it must seem cruel.
Deriding dummies is the comedy equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel.
Blonde jokes exist because comedians needed a way to say 'stupid people' faster.
Try saying this out loud.
"Why shouldn't blonde's have coffee breaks?It takes too long to re-train them."
Now say this.
"Why shouldn't stupid people have coffee breaks?It takes too long to re-train them.
The second version a beat too long.
In comedy, timing is everything.
I know lots of blonde's, hell, until I was about 12 I was a blonde.
Hair colour doesn't define intelligence, look at the Swedes.
For the past fortnight I have struggled with computer problems. When I dropped my notebook earlier in the month ( yes, I know) I took it to the irritatingly smug fucks at the Wan Chi Computer Centre. There a snot nosed 22 year old spent 10 minutes rolling his eyes at me whilst he exaggeratedly turned the unit on and off ( gee whizz batman, something I hadn't thought of) and wondered aloud in Cantonese exactly how much he should charge this ho fai gweipo (fat foreign devil female) for taking up his time and dragging him away from playing Halo online.
When I replied to his musings, in Cantonese, that he should stop being a cunt and charge me the same price as he would charge any young Chinese boy who had walked into his shop with the same problem, he seemed genuinely shocked.
This was not the game as he knew it.
He went and got his boss.
His smarted move that day.
Anyway, they fixed it.
But they made me feel stupid because I just stood there dumbfounded and at their mercy.
It was......a humbling learning curve.......
OK, it was shit, but they knew they had me.
"Ricky" ( why are they all called "Ricky" ?) knew I needed him. I was a deer in headlights with a busted motherboard, and he was the geek with acne that still lives with his mother, and has never had sex without paying for it.
Scratch that, even the working girls wouldn't have him.
However about two weeks ago, a new problem arose......I will not bore you with the details other than to say that if one could actually kill people with ones thoughts, half the staff at PCCW-my "service" provider- would now be dead.
But then, they would all have been dead a long time ago. Killed in the rush of non-idiots who happen to need technical support.
It's just that for some reason, when it comes to the human race, nature kind of throws in the towel.
I know of a woman who feels that discipline or pressure of any kind may wound her child's aura. So she lets him run wild, to do as he feels, with no artificial restraints such as bedtimes, or meal times, bath times or quiet times.
He will not be taught to read until he feels ready to take that message on board.
He will not be taught the novel concepts of 'right' or 'wrong', because these are boundaries set by man, not mother earth.
He is 5.
Guess what kind of a kid he is. Guess what kind of a teenager he'll make.
Now, I don't blame the boy. You can not help it if your mother is a space cadet, and I know because I speak from experience.
But it raises the question that if a Whale- for example- said to it's calf ( assuming they chat like this) " Look, I'm not going to train you how to do things, live as you feel. If you want to play in the shipping lanes, play in the shipping lanes, eat when you feel, or don't, be free to breathe or not, I don't want you to feel burdened by MY breathing hangups. We will live as leaves in the wind ( water wind, work with me here) and be as one with all things as we feel. Perhaps we should visit Japan? The waters are nice around there".
So why not us?
Why is it that so many apparently mentally deficient people maintain jobs, and drive cars and have babies?
People who walk in front of moving traffic and believe that staring at the driver will protect their bones from breaking.
I have a friend who calls them 'oxygen thieves'. It's an appropriate term.
Stupid peoples survival must come down to instinct.
People with low E.Q - and for the record that is the measure I use for stupidity, not I.Q- must have a gut feel somewhere for when to cut and run, as it were.
They manage to duck, bob and weave at just the right time.
Or they stand there looking like giant pillars of salt, and whatever is moving towards them- ie: danger, disaster or people with high EQ's- just ducks, bobs and weaves out of THEIR way in order to avoid calamity.
In the ultimate game of "chicken" the person who doesn't flinch wins.
Keeping still is a life skill, who knew?
Like being boring and being stubborn, being brain dead appears to be a misunderstood strategy used by those who do not have the wherewithal to die in childbirth.
Not so stupid now, huh?
There are a lot of Rickys. Why I never learned 'Stop being a cunt' in Cantonese is a good question. Would have come in useful 4, maybe 5 thousand times.
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love, love you!
ReplyDeleteI know I've said it before but, in my opinion, and with regard to you, it can never be said enough!