This shocking disclosure may land me in a lot of hot water, but the trouble is, it kind of happened before I realised what I had done.
And once it was out there, it was too late.
It would be fair to say that I do have a reputation for speaking my mind.
I have worked VERY hard to get that reputation, and I hold onto it with a death grip that would impress a Boa Constrictor.
Speaking the truth is a dangerous business, and only those armed with the heart of a Dragon and gigantic gonads made of granite can carry it off.
Thankfully I was born with both.
The gonads are undescended for those of you with a medical degree,the Dragons Heart can be seen with a squirt of Luminol and those orange plastic glasses you see on CSI.
But here's the thing, because although I do believe in calling it as you see it, I was also born with a conscience- damn shit to hell- and it's that little bastardy voice of reason that has me confessing my crime.
You see, as well as my 'outspokenness', my other endearing quality is that I HATE stupidity.
Loathe it to a gut wrenchingly visceral level.
Unremarkably perhaps, pointing out stupidity to stupid people is like explaining dinosaurs to creationists, or trying to understand Sarah Palin's daughters take on birth control.
You can not help people who do not want to know what they do not know they do not know.
And the person I Cyber Bullied said something VERY stupid on facebook, but instead of just ignoring it- which is what that little voice told me to do- I made a comment.
A witty, biting, honest, mocking, slightly sarcastic comment that made me giggle.
"Yes", I thought to my Dragon Hearted self " THAT was funny. That was the right thing to say. That was an appropriate response"
And then I went on my merry way.
I walked away from my notebook convinced that I had done not just a service to the community, but to mankind itself.
And here is where it gets tricky.
Because when I returned to my beloved newsfeed on my beloved facebook some hours later, I discovered that others- people like myself- had commented in the same manner.
I had opened the door and invited in a gang of 'Stupidity Snobs' to look around and trash the place.
We truth speakers are a funny lot.
Individually we can get along within society quite well.
We may inadvertently and unattractively snort every now and then in order to keep our words from coming out and hurting others, but we know when to keep ourselves in check.
True, there have been times where I have stood quietly listening to irritating twats at parties as they empty their 10 precious brain cells into the air.
I have nodded silently whilst the inside of my mouth filled with blood from biting my lip.
But I swallow that blood, baby, I suck it up Vampire style in order to stay 'nice' in public.
However, get a group of truth speakers together in a mob, and the gloves come off.
And that was what was happening online.
The beagles had caught scent of the fox, and the chase to draw first blood was on.
As the horn blower, I felt responsible.
But worse was yet to come, dear reader, because just as the venom grew more bitter- or was it sweeter, Christ I am so torn- the Fox itself spoke.
Words of defense and worse- reasons and explanations.
"What I meant was" "It was supposed to sound like" "It's because...."
And others stepped in- other stupid people- " That's right, and I understand where you are coming from because blah blah blah" and other helpful affirmations.
Hey, stupid people have posses too ya know. Look at Chris Browne and Kanye West.
Hang on.
Suddenly I don't feel so bad.
Perhaps rather than thinking of myself as a total bitch, which is where I was at the start of this diatribe, I am beginning to feel like a liberator.
An uncoverer of the truth.
Which is all that this is about anyway.
Calling a spade a spade, and NOT a shovel used to heap platitudes on cerebrally challenged morons masquerading as valuable members of society.
And why should I keep those secrets to myself?
If you are so unself-aware as to publicly humiliate yourself on a networking site, be prepared to be skewered by the sword you so recklessly wave about.
Because there are three things I know for sure:
1-Even people who really shouldn't can/and will breed.
2-Life is not fair, get over it ( Thank You Bill Gates for that one)
3-Accepting and repeating the idea that an Omnipotent God placed dinosaur bones into the earths crust to be found by hairless apes, rather than accepting that such creatures existed simply because ancient texts make no reference to them is like publicly slagging off at your domestic staff.
Oops, I've done it again.
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